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Do you want to work together?

Plans created for you.

I work with coaching for ambitious individuals and entrepreneurs in tailored plans that are created uniquely for you. Apply in the form below and we will meet in a short conversation to discuss how we best can reach your goals.

Coaching & mentorship

A life aligned to you.

Everyone has the potential to create a life in line with themselves and their values.

I coach to empower others to create their best lives and I am dedicated to helping others unlock their full potential.

With a mix of innovative techniques and genuine, raw conversations, together we will work towards reaching your full potential and set the stage for the life you have always aspired to live.

Now here's the unique thing about working with me:

We do this journey strictly one-on-one.

It's just you and me — no group distractions, just a direct, personal partnership.

Whether you're lounging in your living room or sipping a coffee at your favorite spot, our sessions will be about digging deep, exploring your dreams and setting the stage to make them come true. The world may seem big, but technology has made it so much smaller. So even if you are miles away, it will feel like we are next to each other and together we will create your best life.

Together we can..

  • Get your big WHY clear so you can lead with purpose.
  • Identify WHAT is holding you back.
  • Release old truths.
  • Step in to magnetism.
  • Remove inner blocks.
  • Break free from "hustle culture".
  • Crystallize your long-term, bigger-than-you-thought-possible soul vision so you no longer feel stuck in a box and you can finally see how far you can go.

We can also...

  • Cultivate the self-esteem and confidence you need to truly believe in yourself and your soul vision.
  • Take ownership of your life and business.
  • Stand strong in prioritizing your health and that which gives you energy.
  • Turn your life into a playground of discovery, creativity and wonder.
  • Stop dimming your light to fit in and embrace ALL that you are
  • Watch your inner dialogue go from "Is this all??" to "I can't believe this is my life!"

Do you want to create a mindful, fulfilling life beyond the norm?

Apply to work with me through Coaching for individuals and mentoring for entrepreneurs in tailored programs that are created individually for you.

The structure of our collaboration.

My 3 month coaching program is designed to give you a structured yet flexible approach to achieving your goals and overcoming challenges. Created for those who want to create a life on their own terms, whether as an entrepreneur or in your career. This is how the program works:

Step 1.

90 min deep dive

Our time together begins with a 90 min deep dive into your goals and conditions.

Step 2.

Individual coaching plan

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an individual who is ready to create a life you love, I create an individual coaching plan that suits you.

Step 3.

Let's dive in

After our initial strategy session, we will meet in weekly virtual coaching sessions, a total of 10 sessions of 60 min each.

Step 4.

Ongoing support.

Starting from our first strategy session together, you get access to a private Telegram channel for support and coaching along the way.

Step 5.

Tools & resources

Depending on your individual plan, you will have access to a variety of tools and resources, including worksheets, exercises and reading material to complement the coaching sessions.

Step 6.

Check-ins & accountability

Between sessions, I will check in with you to provide additional support and accountability. These check-ins will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Step 7.

Closing session

We end our 3 months together with a 90 min session where we dive deep into what we have accomplished, what you can do yourself to continue the work and an overall plan for the coming months that you can work on.

Are we a good match to work together?

This work is profoundly transformative. To book a Discovery session, you must be motivated to focus on your personal growth.

I have had the privilege of working with many brilliant people and of course I want to continue to have the opportunity to work with even more. But it is extremely important that we both feel that we are a good fit to work together - so that I can help you thrive and create the optimal coaching package that facilitates you to reach your optimal result.

Your success is critical.

I'm deeply invested in my clients' success, I commit to always showing up with integrity - and that starts with us being a good match for my programs.

That's why I do an initial evaluation when you submit your application and get back to you to schedule a discovery session of 20 minutes.

This is the program for you that..

❈ You’re ambitious and high-achieving, with big ideas and the desire to set bold goals. You're driven, creative, and seeking to unlock your highest performing, most aligned self.

❈ You're sick of funneling your precious energy into marginally fulfilling work and you desire to create meaningful, significant impact for yourself, others and the world we live in.

❈ By society's standards, you've achieved a great deal of conventional success in your career and business thus far, but you still feel unfulfilled and your energy is spread too thin.

❈ You know you're capable of achieving massive success, but the career or business you're currently in isn't optimal. You seek to design a path forward that leverages your brilliant energy & Zone of Genius while creating a life you love and enjoy.

❈ You’re ready to challenge the status quo, stretch beyond your comfort zone and take calculated risks to bring your vision to life.

❈ You understand the value of investing in yourself and your future. I am not the coach who will convince you to do so – YOU have to be ready.


The total investment to work with me for 3 months is $6 850, including taxes.

(Payment plans are available; details will be discussed during the discovery call).

Application form

Applications are processed continuously and after your application, you will be contacted within the next 48 hours for the next step.

I can't wait to hear from you 🫶✨

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